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We have spent these days of quarantine at Jorge's hometown. Every early morning we’ve been watching a European robin singing at the top of a Sweet chestnut. For some brief moments, while we prepare our breakfast his performance fades away every hitch that the world is facing.

Life changed so much… Covid-19 altered everything. It is a major concern everywhere and we are doing our part, only leaving home properly protected and once a week for groceries and basic supplies and also if I have an appointment for me and my baby.

Time moves and blends itself. A week goes by as if it is surrounded by haziness due to the same sameness of the days stuck at home in a non ending loop. The worse is the anxiety that is rising relentlessly... being so far away from our house (that it is currently in another country) and not being able to assemble our baby room or focus on this unique phase of my Life at the same time as the amount of questions & doubts that come into sight keep piling up. Nevertheless the most important thing right now is that we are okay and safe.
