Christmas Season

What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. ― Agnes M. Pahro

Dordrecht Christmas Lights
Kerstmarkt Dordrecht
Christmas street lights
Camel Kerstmarkt Dordrecht

This year is coming to an end.

The days around here are slothful and getting shorter day-by-day, the skies are drear, the trees are mostly bare and the air is cold. There are little lights scattered amongst the streets that shell away the darkness of the night coloring the city with a golden aura that gives warmth to this moment of the year. Windows are decorated, mistletoe can be seen in most doors and illuminated pine trees peek outside from the living room.   

We won’t be home for Christmas. This will be the first time that we spent this season away from our homeland, away from our family and friends and all our traditions from this period of festivity.

Still though we made our Christmas tree on the beginning of the month and had a jolly time decorating it while listening to Frank Sinatra's Christmas songs and we will bake some sweets by next Monday.

This is a season to be still & thankful. To drink hot chocolate while comforted by a blanket. To embrace our dearest. There are always tough days but also joy to be had in every moment of our life.

Last Saturday we decided to take a stroll through the Christmas market and I managed to capture a few pictures in the midst of the immensity of people and while drifting around in some streets. There were a lot of stalls, music bands, Christmas Carols and a lively nativity scene.

Whether how you celebrate it or not I would like to wish you a very happy beautiful days.

Merry Christmas!

Camel Kerstmarkt Dordrecht
Christmas Dordrecht
candid moment